Shipping Policy

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs vary depending on the shipping destination and the number of items that you purchase. You can get a calculation of your exact shipping charges by adding items to your cart, proceeding to checkout, and entering your mailing address. The shipping cost will automatically update and display in your total costs.

When will you ship the item?

All orders will be fulfilled by MCHOSE. We will ship the goods within 3-5 working days and upload the tracking numbers after shipment, but the time of delivery depends on local delivery speed and customs clearance, which we cannot fully control. Usually, it takes 8-30 working days for you to receive the parcel. The exact delivery days depend on the certain situation in your location, days like Christmas and Black Friday will take a little more days.

Can you declare the parcel as a gift?

No, sorry the courier service does not accept declarations as a gift for customs clearance.

Are VAT or import taxes included?

Due to the customs policy of different countries, we CANNOT control the taxes. Our product price does not include VAT or import tax for your country. We will try our best to declare a comparatively lower value for the product. If you have further, thank you.

Can the order be delivered to multiple addresses?

We do not offer the shipment to multiple addresses for a single order. If you would like items delivered to multiple addresses, please place those orders separately.

Order Modifications and Address Changes

If you need to make changes to your order or shipping address, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your request, but changes may not be possible after the order has been processed.

Cancellation is not accepted once the package has been shipped. Otherwise, the customer must bear the corresponding cost of any return.

Please note that your address information must be specific to the street number, building number, and room number.

If the package is lost or cannot be recovered due to the wrong address provided by the customer, the loss shall be borne by the customer. MCHOSE will not exchange orders or refund money.

Shipping Information Tips

The delivery address must be detailed and accurate - need to provide a specific street number, building number, and room number; The zip code should correspond to your city

For China, Macau(SAR) and HongKong(SAR), please fill with the Chinese address and names;

For Taiwan, you must provide Chinese receiving information (Chinese name and Chinese address) and ID card number (passport number if you are a foreigner) ID number please write in the order notes.

Taiwan recipients must download the Ezway app and register an account, once the goods arrive at Taiwan Customs without registering the account, the customs has the right to confiscate the goods, and our company will not bear any responsibility or refund.

For Korea, your personal tax ID and Korean name (Korean name + Korean address + required personal tax ID (P + 12 digits) + (recipient phone number (010 + 8 digits)) are required according to the requirements of Korean customs clearance.

For Indonesia, we require your Indonesia Tax ID (NPWP), ID Number (NIK-Nomor Induk Kependudukan), or Indonesia Driver’s License as per requested by DHL and Customs. Please make sure the document holder's name is the same as the recipient's name on the shipping information.

For Switzerland, due to the local customs situation, we’ll ask for your confirmation via email that you agree to pay VAT to the local customs before we ship your parcel out. Since we can’t get the parcel back once we shipped it out, we’re not able to compensate you anything for your order to Switzerland due to a VAT issue reason.

The information must be the same recipient's information, otherwise we will not be able to ship.

Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Turkey need to provide the recipient's tax ID - can fill in CPF/CNP/VAT/ passport ID/EOR.

Additional notice about shipping

We will contact the client ASAP once we receive any notification from our shipping company that your parcel is stuck in customs due to customs clearance reasons. If the client does not provide any necessary information that is required by the customs(such as tax payment) promptly. The parcel will be returned to the shipping company’s country of origin warehouse. If the client wants to re-ship the parcel, you may need to pay an additional fee(according to the bill from our shipping company). If you decide not to get the parcel at your discretion, you may need to carry the burden of return shipping cost(according to the bill from our shipping company). We will refund the retail price(not including the extra shipping cost if paid when you place your order) after the deduction of the return shipping cost.

For additional questions, shoot us an email at